I've tried several approaches to assist in a visualization of the asylum in its parts and as a whole.
Labeled aerial views provide the easiest way to gain a three dimensional sense of the place.
A 1967 map and a 2012 satellite image are the easiest way to grasp the overall layout. Major demolitions and surviving buildings are detailed on the same page.
To swoop a little closer, the grounds are divided into four sections, each represented by an old aerial detail, a recent satellite detail, and a map detail. These pages also include direct links to photos of each building from that area.
Note that most photographs will click-to-enlarge.
Individual building pages:
Original Building (Female Department) (1859-1969)
Clinical Pathology (1912-2000)
Industrial Building (1919-2005)
Van Deusen Hospital (1908-1998)
Herman Ostrander Building (1927-1998)
Chapels (1891-1950, 1965-present)
Administration & Quadrangle (1942 to 1952 – present)
Mary Muff Tubercular Hospital (1940-present)